This has been far too neglected over the last few weeks, I’m sorry. But the past weeks have been good ones, despite lacking a little on the baking front (sad sad times), just quite busy!
Growing up, being half welsh, there were always some welsh cakes to be found in a tin in the kitchen if you felt peckish. They remind me of some special people...My Mam, my Grandma, and some good welsh friends (you know who you are!). In my books, to be a good welsh cake it has to be a little undercooked in the middle, with plenty of sultanas (and ONLY sultanas! None of the mixed peel please ;-)) and baked on a griddle. Mmmm!
When 1st March came round, I had no choice but to deviate from the challenge and to make some myself. I’m fine making up the mixture (when I don’t guesstimate too much), it’s the griddle cooking which is the tricky part. I also started to chatting to my housemate as I made them and so over-cooked (yes, burnt may be a better adjective) a couple of them on one side! I was determined to get them right though so made another batch and they came out much better!
Embracing my (half)-welsh identity is something I only do from time to last weekend when Wales won the Six Nations, for instance. But it's something that's not always evident and to be honest I wouldn't make a point of telling people about it. Sadly much of the time the same is true of my proper identity in Jesus Christ. This is the most important thing to me, but most of the time, sadly, it's not all that obvious.
This identity frees me from my failures to a life of faith, with a sure hope now and forever, because of Jesus' perfect life and perfect death taking my penalty. If I truly grasped the greatness of this gift of new identity, how could I hide it?
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written 'The righteous shall lie by faith'" Romans 1:16-17
Where is your identity?